These training and assessment resources are developed to meet the RTO compliance and training product validation requirements to meet industry benchmarks. Specifically for learner cohorts working for a small or micro business, with case studies and model answers that allow assessors to make judgements of skills proficiency above the required competency standards to ensure higher quality training
The training is written by top business and marketing consultants part of the Inception Network. Content is reviewed and updated every 6 months to ensure it keeps up-to-date with new technology as it happens.
The training content have been mapped to Performance criteria, knowledge and performance evidence by qualified trainers and assessor with 10 years of validation and audit compliance and rectification experience.
Cluster units have been structured into stackable modules in copyrighted session plans, suitable for use as micro-credential, and allow for both credit transfer of individual units and gap training if required as part of an RTOs RPL process.
The training and assessment resources are made available as a Moodle course ready to enrol students, fulling contextualised with case studies from current local businesses in South East Queensland. We can connect your student and trainers with the local businesses through the Inception Network event, and can arrange guest speakers to do workshops with your students.
The content included validation of assessment judgment outcome every 6 months as part of the licence agreement to review and update the learning resources for the first 18 months. Licences may also be extended at the content author’s discretion.
This package is RTOs looking to issue Diploma of Business in a specialist field as a point of difference:
1. BSBMKG541 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
2. BSBOPS404 Implement customer service strategies
3. BSBTWK401 Build and maintain business relationship
4. SIRXSLS004 Drive sales results
Includes case studies and training from business across all industries, contextualised to meet the needs of small and micro-businesses.
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The 4 units in the ICTSS00108 Digital Skills for Small Business Skill Set are:
SIRXMKT002 Use social media to engage customers
SIRXCEG006 Provide online customer service
BSBXCS303 Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information
ICTWEB304 Build simple web pages
Includes case studies and training from business across all industries, contextualised to meet the needs of micro-businesses, Solopreneurs, and Bootstrap Startup businesses
These resources have been developed for the leadership specialist stream of the Diploma of business. The resources have contributions from a numbers of experts at the top of their field, and Includes the Neuroscience behind the benefits for organisations who improve both mental and physical health and wellbeing.
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion
BSBHRM521 Facilitate performance development processes
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The application to join the Inception Network in by invitation only, through trusted referral from Local Small Business owners.
This allows us to conte
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Founder AND partner
Judy Lynn
Cory Flynn
Jenna Coates
“The lawyers at this firm are very professional and talented. They always impress me with their knowledge and dedication.”
Truva Properties LLC, Founder
Gloritech Inc., VP Operations
“Jenna was so compassionate and really seemed to care about my case! She was so nice to work with and helped me get the results I wanted!”
Personal Injury Client
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