First, let's look at what skills are in demand...

That all depends on the size of the business:

Self-Employed (61%): also known as Solopreneurs, sole traders or contractors, they are professional who charge a premium for their skills and expertise to do whatever they love. They usually employ other contractors to do the day-to-day business admin stuff.

Micro-business (27%): a type of small business that employs 1 to 4 staff (by head count). They need generalised skills like a thinker, a people person, and an action taker, and a 4th person new to the workforce who will do anything the other 3 don’t like.

Australian Business size by number of employees from OSBFEO

Small, medium and large business (12%): when you build a team of more than 4, you need people with more specialised skills to do different jobs.

Skills Like problem solving or communication skills for action takers and customer service, or personal skills like ethics, empathy, and cultural awareness for sales staff.

Or adaptation and critical thinking skills for team leaders and strategic planning for marketing and online business managers, which almost all businesses need to survive these days.

Want to know where you fit into all this?

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